Friday, 8 February 2013

Week 3 Construction

Finally finished filming! Have uploaded all the footage to Final Cut and started editing, already problems with inconsistent lighting and grainy footage have appeared, most likely due to filming everything at night. Fortunately I will be able to re-film some of this, and having learnt from the first filming experience which had time constrictions and adverse weather conditions, should be able to run the shoot more smoothly.

Have decided to cut a few scenes from my original plan, the opening sequence of young Name at dance school has been cut, as has the scene of her at school because once these two main scenes were uploaded it became clear, if i had any chance at creating the effect i wanted I couldn't fit all the footage into two minutes. A shame but it had to be done, so the opening will now only be two scenes, the ballet sequence of the girls in the dance studio and then the teenagers drinking at the stairs.

To do this week:
  • Re-film shot outside dance school 
  • Finish rough cut and close edit of first scene in dance school